
Thursday, October 25, 2012

ugly blog is ugly.

I apologize if your eyes got raped after viewing my blog. I'm the worst at designing anything... I just don't really have a knack for it. I'll eventually get around to finding something nicer. :[

Anyways, I decided that I should make one of these things and keep up with it because I can barely keep up with myself these days. The entire week seems to clump together and I can't discern Monday from Wednesday. It's the worst! Especially when one of my doctors is asking about when something happened or when I saw so n' so. I can only give them a blank stare while I babble random dates that I suspect are right.

Usually, I don't write about much other than what I did during a day. I'm trying to change that up a little and write more about me as a person. Too many things are going on right now and it's hard for me to sort through it all in my brain. Talking about it would be biting off more than I can chew, so the next best thing is writing. Or typing.

I have a lot of doctors. Last week, I added the hematologist and the nephrologist to my phone book. I feel like I see one of them every week, but I know it won't be like this forever. My rheumatologist is just trying to find the right way to proceed with my treatment since it isn't really working as well as she'd hoped. They want to check my kidneys out and see if some chemotherapy would be the best course of action now. If they do that, I'd have to get a biopsy and they'll stick a giant needle in my back. Wouldn't that be fun? D:

Aside from that, I'm just working weekend shifts at the ramen house, taking classes a couple days a week, spending time with little Lana, and hanging around with Squishy. I don't really need much in life, you know. I miss having more time to myself, but this is fine. I like to think I'll be fine.

I think I'm in a good place.

loops today : i'm still fat. my appetite is damn near insatiable. knees hurt yesterday, but fine today. forgot second dose of plaquenil. butterfly is nearly gone. went to hemato and had blood drawn after fasting.

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